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$1.2 Billion in 2022 in Multifamily Purchases Closed by Inland Real Estate Acquisitions, LLC

Oak Brook, Ill. – Inland Real Estate Acquisitions, LLC (“Inland Acquisitions”) announced today that it negotiated and closed the purchase of approximately $1.2 billion in multifamily properties on behalf of Inland-related entities throughout 2022. The acquisitions total 4,313 rental units and more than 2 million square feet across 6 states located in the South and Western United States.

Inland acquires former Ecolab building, plans apartments

Chicago-based Inland Real Estate Group has acquired the former Ecolab University Center in downtown St. Paul with plans to convert the 16-story tower into modern apartment complex with up to 175 units.

Inland, which confirmed the acquisition Monday, has high hopes for the building, which comes with a troubled history that includes the loss of its anchor office tenant, foreclosures, and previous ill-fated attempts at revitalization.

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions Buys $1.2 Billion of Multifamily Properties in 2022

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions LLC, the purchasing arm for various Inland-sponsored programs including Delaware statutory trust investments, opportunity zone funds and non-traded real estate investment trusts, announced that it negotiated and closed the purchase of approximately $1.2 billion in multifamily properties on behalf of Inland-related entities throughout 2022.

The acquisitions total 4,313 rental units and more than 2 million square feet across 6 states located in the South and Western United States.

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions Acquires Former Ecolab Tower in St. Paul to Redevelop Into Multifamily Community

The Only Residential Community in St. Paul to Connect Residents to Commerce via Pedestrian Skyway

Oak Brook, Ill. – Inland Real Estate Acquisitions, LLC (“Inland Acquisitions”) announced today the purchase of the 16-story high rise, formerly known as the Ecolab University office tower, located at 386 Wabasha Street North in St. Paul on behalf of an Inland-related entity.

Inland, Kaeding plan 178 apartments at former Ecolab University tower in downtown St. Paul

An Illinois-based real estate company has acquired a prime office building in downtown St. Paul — the long-vacant Ecolab University office tower — with the intent of converting the 16-story high-rise into apartment rentals.

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions of Oak Brook, Ill. announced in a written statement Tuesday they had purchased the office building at 386 N. Wabasha St. to create 178 “upscale family units” hand in hand with the Kaeding Development Group of Bloomington.

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions Acquires Former Ecolab Tower in St. Paul to Redevelop Into Multifamily Community

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions, LLC (“Inland Acquisitions”) announced today the purchase of the 16-story high rise, formerly known as the Ecolab University office tower, located at 386 Wabasha Street North in St. Paul on behalf of an Inland-related entity.

Inland Acquires Minnesota Office Tower for Multifamily Redevelopment

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions LLC, the purchasing arm for various Inland-sponsored programs including Delaware statutory trust and opportunity zone funds, announced the purchase of a 16-story high rise, formerly known as the Ecolab University office tower, located at 386 Wabasha Street North in St. Paul, Minnesota on behalf of an Inland-related entity.

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions, LLC Closed Over $374 Million in Self-Storage Properties in 2022

Oak Brook, Ill. – Inland Real Estate Acquisitions, LLC (“Inland Acquisitions”) announced today that it negotiated and closed the purchase of more than $374 million in self-storage properties on behalf of Inland-related entities throughout 2022. The acquisitions total 17,265 units and more than 1.8 million square feet across 11 states.

Mark Cosenza and Matthew Tice, both senior vice presidents of Inland Acquisitions, are responsible for facilitating the purchases.

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions, LLC Closed Over $374 Million in Self-Storage Properties in 2022

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions, LLC (“Inland Acquisitions”) announced today that it negotiated and closed the purchase of more than $374 million in self-storage properties on behalf of Inland-related entities throughout 2022. The acquisitions total 17,265 units and more than 1.8 million square feet across 11 states.

Mark Cosenza and Matthew Tice, both senior vice presidents of Inland Acquisitions, are responsible for facilitating the purchases.

Inland Real Estate invests in self-storage properties

Inland Real Estate Acquisitions LLC said Thursday it expanded its investments in self-storage properties last year with purchases totaling more than $374 million.

The acquisitions on behalf of Inland investment funds total 17,265 units and more than 1.8 million square feet across 11 states, it said. Mark Cosenza and Matthew Tice, both senior vice presidents of Inland Acquisitions, are responsible for facilitating the purchases.


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